Power of Precision
Fermentation and

Laurus Bio offers in-depth microbial precision fermentation product development and manufacturing expertise as a service (CDMO) to biomanufacturers from — clone development, strain engineering, process development and scale-up to large-scale commercial manufacturing.

Our deep expertise in protein design and engineering, recombinant technology, bioprocess development, and microbial precision fermentation enables us to support our customers end-to-end — from concept to commercialization.

We understand your challenges better than anyone in the CDMO space as we ourselves have gone through the entire product development and commercialization life cycle multiple times.

Our Services


  • Clone Development
  • Strain Engineering
  • Bioprocess and Analytical Test Development

Fermentation Scale-up

  • R&D/Bench-scale runs
    (2 L – 15 L)
  • Pilot-scale runs
    (150 L – 250 L)
  • Industrial-scale runs
    (2,000 L – 5,000 L)
  • Production-scale runs
    (20,000 L – 45,000 L)

Commercial Manufacturing

  • Industrial-scale runs
    (2,000 L – 5,000 L)
  • Production-scale runs
    (20,000 L – 45,000 L)

Advanced quality management systems and certifications; certified by ISO, cGMP, FSSC 22000, Kosher, and Halal

Large-scale food-grade certified manufacturing capability

200+ team based in Bangalore, India with more than 40% personnel in R&D, product development, and scale-up

Capability of producing multiple proteins using varied microbial expression systems such as yeast, bacterial, and fungal

A range of in-house fermenters to enable scale-up from R&D/bench-scale, pilot-scale, to industrial- and production-scale

In-house quality control lab, well-equipped for chemical and microbial testing

Automated manufacturing operations

100% AOF

Molecular biology lab to develop and characterize clones. Well equipped with PCR, RT-PCR, electroporator, gel systems, and gel documentation

Microbiology lab to culture strains and analyze cultures. The lab consists of laminar airflow systems, incubator shakers, and microscopy

Bioprocess lab with an array of 5 L fermenters to develop fermentation conditions

Protein purification lab well-equipped with multiple chromatography and filtration systems

Analytical lab to develop and validate analytical methods and support the R&D efforts including generating stability data. The lab is equipped with multiple HPLC systems with various detectors and UV-Vis spectrophotometers

Contact us: info@laurus.bio